Request a Captivating Photography Experience Today

Light Science and Magic

Photography is all the Science of Capturing light, When Science and Light converge, Magic happens. Our goal is to achieve perfection in the box, It is our belief that great photographs are required to create great prints, no amount of post procession can fix a bad capture

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With a proven track record of excellence, we have established ourselves as leaders in the photography industry. Our commitment to quality, reliability, and unparalleled expertise sets us apart. When you choose Centurion Photographer, Guy McLaren, you can rest assured that you're partnering with a trusted name that will deliver remarkable photography solutions.

Request a Quote Today and Witness the Power of Exceptional Photography

Don't settle for ordinary photography when you can have extraordinary. Request a quote today and let us demonstrate the transformative power of exceptional photography. Together, we'll bring your vision to life and create timeless memories that will be cherished for years to come.

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Contact Us

The addresses are here for information only, BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. We may be on site, so don't just arrive.

Centurion Photographer

364 Fountains Ave
Lyttleton Manor

Call 076 934 3640
Mobile 076 934 3640

Contact us by email

If you desire a consultation click here

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